Monday, November 6, 2017

The Only Thing That Shoots

I hope everyone had a good weekend in spite of the news out of Texas. Are we becoming immune to these all-too-frequent tragedies? At some point, something has to give. I'm not sure that this is the case with the Texas shooting, but I know a number of guys who have taken their weapons with them upon separation. My one question is: Why do military guys get to keep these rifles and service revolvers when they are discharged from service?
I don't quite get the point of it.
We certainly thank them for their service,

 but the weaponry should remain the property of the US Military and be left behind.

The only thing they should take with them that shoots is


Xersex said...

sexy guys

SickoRicko said...

I supposed letting them take their weapons gives the military an excuse to buy new ones.

Anonymous said...

Hey bro! Happy Monday! That's a good questiong. I didn't know they got to keep them. That does seem odd to me. I hope you and yours are doing well. Have a bonerific day! Hugs, Licks, and Strokes, AOM

Mistress Maddie said...

I agree, everything should be returned back to the military.

Good thing I never went into the service. No way I could use the toilet for a #2 right next to someone else. Yuck.

Your French Patrick said...

As part of his conviction, Kelley received a bad conduct discharge but not a dishonorable discharge that automatically prevents a former military service member from purchasing a firearm. But regardless of the kind of discharge he received, the Air Force official said, Kelley's conviction on charges that equated to domestic violence should have prevented him from purchasing a firearm.

President Donald Trump said Monday that Sunday's mass shooting at a Texas church "isn't a guns situation" but instead "a mental health problem at the highest level."
Knowing that Obama wanted to suppress the measures which allow to acquire a weapon of assault without background check of the buyers, I logically conclude that, now Trump is favorable to this proposition which allows to eliminate those who have "a mental health problem at the highest level."

But in the same time, alas, I know well that it is not true because DT has better to do, for instance to trample on the Japanese culture and traditions because he judged that the Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe made him waste time by feeding the colored carps koi with of teaspoon while it was so much simpler to throw them allthe food at one go.
Imagine that the Pope is distributing one by one consecrated eucharistic wafers to Catholic faithful, and DT who seize them all to throw them in the church as seeds to the pigeons. It would be more or less the same scandal.

Love, hugs and bisous, my darlings Jean and Pat.

Unknown said...

So sorry about the killings. I wonder what the motive was attacking people gathered for Sunday Service! Lots of storms here, rain and wind, but the sun is shining today. Just back from coffee with a friend.

T said...

Hindsight and complete oblivious to another. The world today is a different one from yesterday and a different one again from any time frame. When time came to rules and regulations this behavior would never have crossed their minds in the slightest.

In most other countries where you do serve; any equipment given to you during your term of service remains property of the military even after your service is completed. You may get to keep your uniform at best but most countries dont want their people having access to military equipment after their service is finished.

Why the US doesnt follow that standard who knows why it never changed to reflect the times. The US does many things that leave other countries wondering why.

Anonymous said...

In this guy's case, he shouldn't have been allowed near a weapon, seeing as he was already a known child abuser. I blame lax enforcement,

whkattk said...

@ mistress - Yeah, when you're in the military you lose all sense of privacy. That's probably what has fueled my ability to be nude - boner or not - in front of others.

Anonymous said...

Trump actually made it easier for the mentally ill to buy guns back in February. Now, the obvious argument is "Psychiatry has been abused by ideologues before." Which is true: Any criticism of the USSR meant Soviet psychiatrists would pronounce you mentally ill, and even in the US, this happened to Goldwater. (You may have heard about the "Goldwater rule" last year. It's basically don't do that.) And Trump certainly admires a certain Russian head of state who laments the end of the Soviet Union.

But at the same time, mental illness really is a thing. And of course, Orange Julius's healthcare policy also makes it harder to get help if you are mentally ill. Oh, and abuse victims often aren't believed, even with overwhelming evidence (e.g., marks). I mean, Tangerine Dream over there confessed to sexual assault on tape and became president.

whkattk said...

@ Anon - You're absolutely correct.

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