Friday, March 6, 2015

Veins and (Oxygen) Boners

The following question from a Faithful Reader prompts this post.
"You've posted about BOE's but I don't get why we get them. My dick is like the one in the picture though thats not me. So if we've got so many veins in our dicks why do we still get BOE's?"
Well, if you'll notice, those veins are between the Tunica and the skin of the shaft. The Blood Oxygen Erection(s) (BOE(s) supply oxygen-rich blood to the Spongeosum Cavernosae, which are the chambers that fill with blood. The Tunica, of course, is what keeps the Cavernosae from expanding without borders and bursting (ouch!), and provides the necessary rigidity for penetration.

You'll notice that the harder the cock, the more prominent the veins become.



You'll also notice that some guys have veins which are larger and stand out more prominently than others.







Isn't Nature grand?


a{GAY}tekeeper{iam} said...

grand indeed

Anonymous said...

You are such a wealth of important information. You are a treasure. Thanks for all you do for us. I can feel alot of blood pumping my penis to a larger state as I continue to look at these images! I'm stroking with you in spirit, bro. Have a super jizz-tastic weekend. Hugs and Strokes, AOM

SickoRicko said...

Great bunch of cocks!

Unknown said...

Great instruction on the anatomy of the male organ! Hot images! have a restful weekend, my friend. You deserve it! Patrick

Your French Patrick said...

That's all bloody interesting, and you are bloody nice to share it with us.

In this vein, does that work in the same way when it comes to a Bloody Mary which needs no rigidity to penetrate us towards our stomac?
In French "avoir de la veine" (word by word = to have some vein) means to be lucky.

This week was strangely quiet. Would it be because Blogger dozed off?
I think that if they had a so fast change of mind it is because there was a great deal of protests, but also and especially because the initial decision was imposed on them by Google against their will.

There was ten blogs at Blogger that I visited every day and three of them have left Blogger definitively. That is not enough for saying that they have lost thirty percent of their gay blogs, but that would have been deserved.

I wish you a wonderful and restfull weekend in the waiting of Spring which is more and more near.
With a lot of bisous, obviously.

Anonymous said...

it sure is ;)-love your site!

O!Daddie said...

can't beat Mother Nature !!

Mistress Maddie said...

Interesting read, never knew that. My cock look similar to #5 but the prominent vein is under the backside half of my cock. I have noticed when the Lad is doing oral on me, he will sometimes lick the vein, and follow it with his tongue. It drives me crazy!!!