Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Cock Pride

It was a nice week off. I've been spending the morning perusing everyone's blog postings. It was a nice relaxing week for the most part. Lot's of floating around in the pool, listening to music and trying my best to rejuvenate. I think I may have succeeded. But, in any case, here I am; back to continue my haranguing in encouraging everyone to be proud of what nature has provided.

To take care proper care of it so it serves you well always.

To get all the joy and enjoyment of it you can.

Convince others there is no need to hide or be ashamed.

That there is nothing wrong with enjoying them together.


Your French Patrick said...

"trying my best to rejuvenate. I think I may have succeeded".
Happy to learn that after this week of separation (blargh!) I have the enjoyment to find you younger and not older of one week.
LOL, you should not abuse it at the risk of refinding yourself in baby-pants, but I imagine that you have of the margin, and consequently I am not too worried.

Anyway, here you are again at last and business is picking up!

As for me you preach sommebody who is already convinced, but it deprives nothing of the value of your excellent advices.

I like "buds331.jpg". I am nearly sure that it comes from a video that I have and that I love.

Have a wondrous hump day and a lot of bisous.

Queer Heaven said...

Ah yes! Be proud of your Dick! And we all should show it off to as many guys as we can.

Anonymous said...

hope my vacay is as good as yours

Anonymous said...

I am SO glad you're back.

Another reason to get hard.


Anonymous said...

way to come back! those guys and their cocks are beautiful ;)# 2 is just beautiful(hope you had some vacation time with him;0- bob

O!Daddie said...

welcome bhk, whk!!

Your French Patrick said...

LOL, when are you going to do a post about bhk, my dear whk?
It's something that I never saw!
I speak about the Booty Hole Kiss, obviously, and not about the Bedroom Hall Kitchen nor about Blonde Haired Kids.
In this wait, my dear Pat, you will have to content yourself with an ordinary (but sincerely affectionate) kiss.