Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Old or New

Whenever I see a post by a young guy - as I wrote about a couple weeks ago - and he's somehow gotten it into his head that his generation has 'discovered' the joys of male enjoyment - solo or mutual - I have to laugh.

Since it may be a while before things calm down around here, here's a few old photos that just may prove our point to the younguns!
And it's still happening today...And much more openly, thank goodness!



Thanks for the vintage photos! I guess I've "vintage" now myself - 77 years old! Yes! It been going on forever. What did David and Jonathan do when they went out into the fields alone???!!! That first picture is fantastic! By the way, to get the motorbike you've got to suck the cock!

whkattk said...

My liege, numerical age means nothing! And as far as that motorcycle goes - - bring it on!